How to Keep Your Solar Panels from Getting Discolored

Solar panels are a large investment but one with many benefits that make it worthwhile for most in the long term. Considering the money spent on getting solar panels installed, the last thing anyone would expect is for it to show signs of degradation after just a few years, with one of the more common problems being discoloration on the panels.

Solar panel discoloration is very noticeable, with the formerly white portions across the surface of the cell turning into a yellow or brown color, and it tends to happen just a few years after installation. It’s not just an eyesore on the panels, as it can cause the solar module to become less efficient, often being the first sign of more serious problems.

Why Do Solar Panels Get Discolored?
The problem occurs when ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) film, a material used as an encapsulant on the panel, undergoes an uncontrolled chemical reaction. For example, certain chemicals used to treat the glass panels react with chemicals used in the silicon cells, resulting in the formation of acetic acid, which is one of the leading causes of discoloration.

However, there is an even more common cause of solar panel discoloration – exposure to sunlight. While this may sound strange given solar panels are designed to be exposed to sunlight, problems often happen when the EVA is made from cheaper materials.

EVA helps to maintain UV resistance in solar panels, with ultraviolet rays not being used by the panels, so when lower quality materials are used for this the resistance isn’t as good. Eventually, prolonged UV exposure starts to discolor the EVA, causing it to turn yellow or brown. Again, this happens after the first few years.

How to Stop Solar Panels From Getting Discolored?
Unfortunately, there are few measures that you can take to prevent discoloration in solar panels, as it’s often the result of low-quality EVA, meaning the best way to stop it from happening is to ensure you buy from a reputable manufacturer using top-quality materials for the back sheet.

Before buying panels, make sure to inquire about the EVA and its expected durability, or you could take things a step further and avoid buying Ivermectin solar panels that use EVA for the back sheet. Again, this needs to be done prior to buying, so what if you already have solar panels installed?

One measure that is thought to prevent discoloration is the use of UV-blocking glass panels. These prevent UV rays from passing through the glass, virtually eliminating the chances of discoloration in the first few years of purchase, so replacing the glass may be your best way to keep your solar panels in top condition!

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